Friday 3 July 2009

Shoes in all colors

Friday is the day of the local Mercadillo (market). Here you can find all sorts of stuff.

Like these dancing shoes for little girls

or what about a pair of plastic clogs. Not as elegant though for dancing, but there is in fact something called clog-dancing :-)

color carnival Click on the Color Carnival badge for links to more colorful photos.

Have a great Friday!


  1. Definitely COLORFUL ... love the variety and the polka dots too. I played early on two sites this week thinking this was a WEDNESDAY meme. You can find mine here:
    Mostly Wordless T-13 Color Carnival
    Mostly Wordless COLORFUL Window Views
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. What colorful dancing shoes!! These are beautiful to look at and even I would like to get a pair of shoes!! I love to dance!!

    Have a great weekend! oxox

  3. Beautiful shoe photos! I wear my green clogs in the garden.

  4. omg
    i love those shoes!!
    they are perfect, beautiful, colorfull!!
    i love it!!
    specially the pink ones with the dots!!

  5. Great Color! I think I'm probably the only person left who doesn't own a pair of those colorful plastic shoes. Thanks for playing :-)

  6. dancing shoes for little girls...that's funny. and i liked your corner view with gazpacho in a tetrapack. wish you a happy weekend!

  7. I wanted to go to the Mercadillo but it felt like Dante's Hell outside... Brava for going there and taking these great photos. :D

  8. quisiera visitar ese mercado tan colorido!
    buen fin de semana dorte!
