January´s challenge in the
Vuelta al Mundo (round the world) flickr group was
architecture in your city. I have been coming to Vienna quite a lot for the last seven years so I have seen and also photographed many of the famous old buildings.
As I will be spending a lot of my time in Vienna this year it has been, apart from the photography, a very nice opportunity to learn a bit more about the city and its comtemporary architecture.

The city centre is very much dominated by old beautiful buildings, but here and there you find a modern building or two, like in the
Museumsquartier, a large cultural complex of new and old buildings in a rather nice blend, I think.

Outside the city centre you find areas with huge residential building blocks, most of them built during Vienna's socialist period, late 1920'es and beginning of the 1930'es.
Karl Marx Hof is propably the most famous of them and considered the longest residential building in the world measuring 1100 m.

A few stops from the city centre with the U-bahn brings you to
Copa Cagrana ... well, I think this place is great in summertime. I will definitely return when everything is green again. In the background you see some of Vienna's tallest buildings, the
Donauturm a.o. and also the
Uno City, the UN Vienna Office.
PS: You can see my entire architecture set
here ...
and you can see more architecture around the wold though
Jackie Rueda´s blog post.