Friday 24 July 2009

Do you know this lady?

I was at a concert with Cesaría Évora in Málaga's Teatro Cervantes ... two Sundays ago. (Time passes fast these days, I think).

Cesaría Évora is from Cape Verde and became an international star when she was 47 years old - that is 20 years ago.

La Diva Aux Pieds Nus (The Barefoot Diva) is the name of one of her albums.

You can watch/hear her singing Besame (the only song she did in Spanish) on this video. I love that song, and she does it so well :-)

Have a great weekend!


  1. I love Cesaria Evora's voice. My parents are big fans and I always listened to her growing up. I wish I could sing like that!

  2. I'll look her up on Youtube. I'm not a big music fan so there's a lot I've never heard. :)

  3. wow, me encanta cesaria, hace poco dio un concierto en buenos aires, pero los tickets estaban muy caros!
