Friday 28 May 2010

Indoor days ...

I have committed myself to take a photo every day for 365 days. This is now 148 days ago and so far it has been quite fun, a learning process. It's also going to be a nice way of recording a year, our year in Vienna.

As the weather has been so unstable lately, I have been taking quite a lot of indoor photos, also to make sure that I had my daily photo.

Today, it looks like it's going to be quite sunny, so I'm getting out very now.

Have a great Friday.


  1. I love the roses. Very beautiful!! It's been nice waether here in NY
    these days.. Hope you enjoy the weather and great weeekend!!!

  2. I have visited this blog by accident, but I found it quite interesting. You're doing a good job (and most importantly it's free). A greeting.
