Sunday 14 June 2009

Shadows in La Seu

Last week visiting Mallorca I went to see the Cathedral La Seu, a very impressive building that dates back to 1229, but finished in 1601. I wanted to see it because Antoni Gaudí was involved in its restauration in 1904-1914 and I am quite fascinated by his work.

Sadly, I did not manage to any take good photos of El Baldaquino ... but I did take several other photos inside the cathedral.

Catedral de Mallorca
These are from the Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento reformed by the comtemporary painter and sculptor Miquel Barceló.

Catedral de Mallorca
It was inaugurated in 2007 and illustrates the miracle of the loaves and the bread.

I did not really know anything about this artist or had seen his work anywhere, but I really liked the cave-like expression and soft shadows on the walls. Not at all something I expected to find in a catholic church.

Stop by HEY HARRIET to see other Sunday Shadow Shots from around the world and how to join in if you like.


  1. These images are amazing. Not at all what I would expect to find in a church either. What a fun discovery!

  2. The cathedral really does look like a cave, doesn't it? And the shadows are so subtle...

  3. No, I'd never guess you were in a Catholic church either. It is gorgeous though - love that back drop all coming down from the ceiling by the door - quite interesting - great shadows!

  4. Looks very mysterious with the soft colors and shadows. I am looking forward to hearing about your summer boat trip!

  5. these are beautiful!! the details in the second photo- cracks and all - wow.

    I've just only come across Mallorca, Malaga in books. Its so fascinating to be able to see these places through your blog! Thanks so much for sharing.

  6. You got some wonderful shots! Facinating!

  7. omg
    that's so beautiful!!
    i love churches!!

  8. Wow! Really amazing work! I'd love to see that in person...
