Friday 26 June 2009

Colorful dresses

La Fería the San Juan is celebrated all this week around here. It started last Sunday and continues until next Monday. There are a lot of events like concerts, contests, dancing and drinking at the different plazas and at the market place.

eating lady
Many women put on their traditional colorful dress for this occasion.

Also small girls want to dress up in the nice colorful dresses ...

two ladies
as well as the not so young. I will have to try one on ... one of these days!

Have a great Friday!


  1. Beautiful and looks life fun besides! Thanks for playing along on the Color Carnival! :-)

  2. I mean looks like fun, not "life" fun, LOL!

  3. cuanto color y cuanto calor!

  4. How fun and everyone looks so pretty... :)

  5. Hi! I'm new to your blog, I love your photos!!
    I was in Spain not long ago, didn't make it down to Malaga, but I did stay in Sevilla for several days and I couldn't resist to try on one of those gorgeous flamenco dresses... gosh, I felt like a princess! If it hadn't been so heavy (and 400 euro!) I probably would have brought it back to Canada with me!

  6. It's great you take these photos and share them because I don't have a car nor do I drive and it's way too warm for me to walk around outside these days. I get to see what's happening without stepping outside my door! :)

  7. if you put one on i´ll put one on...:)

  8. Wow! What a Great Event! looks like you had Fun!

    Thanks for sharing:) I love to be there next year!

    Join our growing food community, Post your comments Share your recipe:)

    Have a Sunny Monday~

  9. THe scenery here give me nostalgic feelings. I came from the Philippines and of course, we have some Spanish influences.

    Love the colour blending.

    Cheers for the day!

  10. Wow! Beautiful dresses. I wonder if they come out often or only once or twice a year?!

  11. How fun! I never saw a feria like this in Spain. :-( Love your pics, though!

  12. This would be the perfect place to 'people watch'!
