Monday 21 February 2011

In Málaga

Saturday morning ...
before I bought 1 kilo of artichokes, 1 kilo of almonds, half a kilo nuts, half a kilo of olives aloreñas, 5 apples, some dates, and a birthday present. So no more photos from Málaga that day :)


  1. Big market ;) and really nice photos and scenes. The big house looks like a person, talking, quietly...

  2. omg, that first one! I want to go to malaga. now.

  3. Look at all that color (and think of all that fresh produce)!

  4. I have never seen a building with a facade as that. Pretty amazing and beautiful. Also, love the mood of these three photos...

  5. It seems to me I hear the contrabass playing when looking at these pics!

  6. A double bass player! I would like to hear. This is a great photo. The others I liked too, and agrees that the house looks as it would speak. :) I'm curious to see more pictures of Malaga.

  7. You're right. Hergé museum is for my next visit. I saw the museum of comics in Brussels... And it's amazing!
    Have a nice day Dorte

  8. It's time for artichokes again. I am looking forward to this.

    Love how you managed to capture these nice photos before loading-up with kilograms of food!

  9. jolie série, j'aime beaucoup celle avec la violoncelliste en bas.

  10. Happy Birthday to someone!

  11. LOVE the warm colors and strong graphics in these last couple of posts!

    and your shopping sounds delicious.

    i hope it's o.k. i'm going to post YOUR photos for tomorrows corner view because they fit the theme so perfectly! thanks again for letting me show them off to some people who might not already know you!

  12. I'm interested to know what you were intending to cook with the ingedients that you bought on your shopping list ?

  13. Dorte me encanta esta última foto!!!
    que bonita es esa fachada, nunca la he visto!
