Wednesday 1 December 2010

Corner view: Rain

This week's corner view theme Rain is perfectly timed. It has been raining and raining and raining.

More corner views about rain here.

In my previous post Orange Monday I wrote that there was orange alert. In Spain they use these weather warning definitions:

Missing, insufficient, outdated or suspicious data.

No particular awareness of the weather is required.

The weather is potentially dangerous. The weather phenomena that have been forecast are not unusual, but be attentive if you intend to practice activities exposed to meteorological risks. Keep informed about the expected meteorological conditions and do not take any avoidable risk.

The weather is dangerous. Unusual meteorological phenomena have been forecast. Damage and casualties are likely to happen. Be very vigilant and keep regularly informed about the detailed expected meteorological conditions. Be aware of the risks that might be unavoidable. Follow any advice given by your authorities.

The weather is very dangerous. Exceptionally intense meteorological phenomena have been forecast. Major damage and accidents are likely, in many cases with threat to life and limb, over a wide area. Keep frequently informed about detailed expected meteorological conditions and risks. Follow orders and any advice given by your authorities under all circumstances, be prepared for extraordinary measures.

from Meteoalarm


  1. with your pictures, i have created expectations (not that i want to put any pressure on, or anything ;)).
    your aspect of rain is so dreamy, makes me forget the wetness!!!
    (and thank you for the little explanation about those menacing colours)

  2. I can almost smell the hyacinth.x

  3. Lovely flower and it makes me happy! It's raining here today. dark and gray.. Thank you for sharing pretty pictures!

  4. Colored rain! I like your beautiful photos! (and now I know everything on alerts ;))

  5. I like how you had photograph the vases with rain and not. Very cool. Love the color of rain too. xo

  6. Didn't know how beautiful rain impressions could be. :)

  7. I see now! Hope "white" is on its way to you (and me!)!

  8. Palm trees, Malaga? Stay dry Dorte!

  9. Hi Dorte! Oh! Loved it all, the stormy beach with the rain, and all of the meteorological admonitions (admonitions is my word for the week). if I had not experienced some quite violent weather in my lifetime, I would find all those warnings quite funny!

    I've been so busy and not visited for awhile but what a treasure trove of things now I'm back! (Where to start?!) Anyway, all your pictures quite beautiful with food, or without! Any chance I could borrow/post your turquoise pictures (with credit to you) sometime next week? I know someone who would like them.......Keep snapping! xo

  10. Me encanta la primera composición y la última tan gris, pero tan bonita...lo de las alertas ha sido una nota de color!!!
    Dorte gracias!!

  11. i love what you've done with the first photo ! and that second photo ! amazing ... what sort of flower is that ?

    My corner view is ready for viewing now too ...

  12. Beautiful rain photos!

    About the weather warning definitions:

    White- Missing, insufficient, outdated or suspicious data. Like life itself.
    Green- No particular awareness of the weather is required. Just walk around in a fog.
    Yellow- The weather is potentially dangerous. So true.
    Orange- Follow any advice given by your authorities. Very bad advice.
    Red- be prepared for extraordinary measures. I like this one the best!!

  13. Very funny Don! Sorry if there is any danger. I can't help but find it so beautiful though.

  14. great rain!! hope you get some sun too, so now and than

  15. My advise: always take extraordinary measures - you never know. Love that first shot.

  16. Don's commentary on the colors makes me laugh. I so love flower photos- lovely!

  17. your first photo is awesome. I love it.
    Interesting color coded messages.

  18. @Don: Thanks. Love your weather warning definitions :D

  19. love those raindroops on the window!
    there is no rain here and, enjoy your rainy days!

  20. Beautiful rainy day photos. Rain has been replaced by snow here... so no corner view from me this time.
