Wednesday 16 June 2010

Corner view: Daily

I have been taking a daily photograph since 1 January 2010 and my plan is to continue until 31 December 2010. It has become a nice way of documenting our year based in Vienna.

The corner view theme is this time daily and you can find more on the theme at Jane's Spain Daily.


  1. yes- your project is wonderful. and your shots below are fantastic. you just get better and better! hugs!

  2. Yes, I know that project...but imposible to follow for is great to document your year in Viena...lovely shots.

  3. bon courage, and your pictures are stunning, by the way! also love the 365

  4. Good chalenge Dorte !!! I'm impressed !

  5. that is an amazing proyect! and you have those beautiful places to shoot them!!!

  6. Delightful collage...wonderful project!

  7. hi dorte! i lost track of you in the intervening weeks but i will not forget again. great project. i'm doing something similar informally. in any case, it's wonderful to see where we get to and where we've been, isn't it? and it looks like you're getting around! i love the space and the clarity in your work. and yes! the color! i have a feeling you're not using digital!

    happy snapping!

  8. Sounds like a great project and I'm impressed too by your discipline...your photos are gorgeous, I agree with Jane's comment, they get better and better:)
