Sunday 29 November 2009

Afternoon sun

It is 3:40 pm. On a sunny day the area around Südbahnhof, one of Vienna's main train stations, can look quite nice with the dusty colored rosy and yellowish buildings facing the station and receiving the afternoon sun. On a rainy misty day it just looks like something out of a really sad movie from the fifties.

There is a lot of construction going in the area as the station is going to be transformed into Viennas main train station in a couple of years.

Here is a corner of the inside of the old station. In the shadow of the ticket vending machines a guy is having problems getting his ticket, I think.

Happy Sunday.

Stop by HEY HARRIET to see other Sunday Shadow Shots from around the world.


  1. In dem Südbahnhof,
    ein Mann hat seinem Geld verloren—
    er mußt jetzt gehen.

    My Shadow Shot

  2. Always love the shots of Vienna! And these are great!

    Enjoy your day!


  3. beautiful shadows! I love your blog.

  4. These are great! I'm especially fond of the first one! What a scene! I'd love to see a rainy day photo of the same location now. That's just gorgeous!

  5. I love the outside photo of Südbahnhof. Beautiful!

  6. I know Vienna quite a lot, I spent there whole month being on stipend from Art history department there, other than that I had visited there numerously. Suedbahnhof area is kind of strange, I agree. Vienna feels a lot like Prague, more than any other city in Europe. It is not surprising after all.
