Monday 18 April 2011


Last week I'd ordered some organic fruits and vegetables online. One item was lime (limas in Spanish) and I received these yellow ones you see on the first photo.

As I searched the internet for a recipe for orange marmelade (I had also bought some oranges) I came across this recipe on David Leibovitz' site which made me believe that those limes were bergamot lemons.

I really love twinings earl grey tea because of the bergamot taste, but I never realized that this flavour is of a kind of lemon. So I made lemon marmelade ... . Mine got a lot darker though than on the photos on David Leibovitz' site as I only had dark cane sugar. Those limes were definately of the bergamot type and the taste so good.

The orange marmelade will be for another day:)


  1. this is my new holy grail! love the bergamot-earl grey flavor too but never realized it was a citrus fruit. i can just imagine how gorgeous taking your marmelade must be! yum! thx for sharing D.!

  2. i meant "tasting" of course. (smile)

  3. Bergamot jam is divine (and so is the fragrance of the bergamot blossom). Far better than orange marmalade.

  4. I love too that tea...i love it because it is strong...and I am a coffee girl.
    And about mermelade...have you tried kiwi one?

  5. What beautiful photos. I love earl grey too and would love to try bergamot marmelaide. Sounds wonderful.

  6. What a wonderful pairing, the tea and your marmalade. And your photos are so inspiring that I am itching to make jam again. Wishing you a happy weekend - xo

  7. Yummy photos... I love marmelade!!
    Have a great weekend!
