Friday 23 July 2010

Morning walk

This is not the park where I run :)

The heat is back in Vienna and the other morning I felt like a morning (photo) walk in the Botanical Garden before the heat got too intolerable. However, it only opens at 10 am so instead I had a walk through the beautiful garden of the Belvedere castle.

Have a great weekend.


  1. i think I can wake up very early to walk or run if I have that place to do it! :)

  2. Very beautiful. I can almost feel the fresh summer breeze.

  3. Dorte,you're a lucky girl. This place is beautiful!!!

  4. Beautiful photos!! We have heat wave here in NY too! 96 degrees. way too hot! Hope you are staying cool and having a great weekend!!

  5. Wonderful photos!!!! Heatwave everywhere...
    Even water in sea is too warm...But still love every moment....
