Tuesday 20 October 2009

One thing like about ...

Vienna is that you can walk the streets and parks without having to watch where you step all the time.

Small signs like this one are placed in a lot of strategic places around the city.

I you need to translate the words, try google translator.


  1. That's funny :)
    How are you doing with German?
    Big kisses :)

  2. Is that a 36 euro fine for leaving dog doodoo on the ground? ;)

  3. ... great idea !

  4. We also have fines in my country, but they don't do much, and we have to watch where we step all the time!

  5. laméditeraine: well, I'm not very good at German ... yet. I will attend a German language course soon :-)
    Murasaki: Yes, and I guess that they have been enforcing it since there is so little of it on the ground.
    Cabrizette and Francesca: Yeah it is a good idea if the authorities are serious about it, I guess.
