Monday 31 August 2009

August parasols

The flickr group Vuelta al Mundo (Around the World) has a new photographic theme every month. In August the theme was Sombrillas (Parasols).

My three shots below are from the local beach on the last Sunday of August. I think the whole town was there!

No room for one more parasol.

On the way to join the all the other parasols maybe!

The challenge for next month is to photograh a least 12 things on a list of 16. More info ...

Have a great september.


  1. May I say again that I LOVE YOU PICTURES!!!?
    Here in Spain it always looks like the hole city is on the beach,it's sometimes very stressing!

    Kisses :)

  2. Hi!
    The second is my favorite! Welcome on board!

  3. estas fotos me hacen sonreir! que ganas de estar bajo una de esas sombrillas!

  4. quedaba ni un solo cm. sin sombrillas,

  5. Great photos Dorte !!! especially the last one !!! So beautiful colors... Bises

  6. Cuantas sombrillas juntas!! jejeje pero cabe alguien mas en la playa? XD me gustan mucho por los colores,son muy alegres :)
